NXGEN Diet Drops
What are NXGEN Diet Drops? To explain this we think it is best to ask and answer the question “Why NXGEN Diet Drops?” This story goes back almost a decade to the beginning of a company called E’OLA, which started as a Liquid Ephedra company and grew to $100 million in sales. As most of us know, ephedra has come and gone and with that E’OLA transitioned from a Liquid Ephedra company to a Diet Drops company. Unfortunately for them and many of the E’OLA product users, the company closed its doors in 2003.
With the exodus of E’OLA came the birth of NXGEN! Knowing that E’OLA was a product based company first and foremost and that the company had a very loyal customer base, two of the key executives founded NXGEN with their two core products NXThin and Xangen. These two products are very close to E’OLA’s best selling ephedra-free products – Thin II and Liquagen. The founders of NXGEN, utilizing their former contacts and relationships in the product formulation and manufacturing arenas, were able to capture the very essence of Thin II and Liquagen. In fact, since the beginning of NXGEN, the company has received numerous success stories and testimonials stating that besides liking NXThin and Xangen as replacements of the E’OLA products, that they are better! Our goal and commitment is to not only please existing customers of NXGEN, but to truly be the Next Generation Diet Drops Company and help people with sustainable and long-term weight loss.
For those of you visiting our site for the first time, we offer you a very warm welcome. For you whom have enjoyed our products in the past few months or years, welcome back! We invite you not only to experience our great weight loss products, but also share your comments by emailing us at info@nxgendietdrops.com